Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Published by Counterpoint Berkley, 2017. Hardcover, 271 pgs
Goodreads Description

     Takeaway: Expending tons of energy on worthless pursuits/destructive behavior, coupled with pretending not to care about anything, is an exhaustive way to live life! While the writing was good and I was mildly curious about the character's outcomes, I found this average. There was a lot of meandering- which ended up feeling pointless since there was no real change or realization upon conclusion.
      Searching for meaning in your 20's is certainly a legitimate thing! The reality that we often make cyclical bad choices is also a truth. Vapid and self-centered characters are often engaging, but I didn't think this crew was entertaining enough to pull off these traits successfully. I ended up wishing there was a plot since the character study was so-so. This might be conducive to a readathon, as it does read quickly and is relatively short. However, I would recommend checking it out from the library.


  1. Very good review. I offered a similar on amazon after reading and they deleted it. I gave it 2 stars, I guess is the reason. Now it sits at 5--totally fake reviews and BOM deleted it from discussion enters the literary world.

    1. Thanks Allison!!! I appreciate the comment. How disappointing that Amazon did that, although, as you said, in this era nothing is incredibly surprising anymore. I need to pay more attention to the Book of the Month website as well, after reviewing here and Goodreads I get lazy with the other outlets:-P Are you a Book of the Month member? Despite some duds, I still love it! Have a great rest of the weekend! <3

  2. My comment was deleted on Amazon recently as well. I scored it a 1. Boring, pointless, sloppy.
